Saturday, March 5, 2011

Delaney Discusses Cons of Communication through Technology

Sam Delaney of "The Guardian" in the UK wrote a column entitled "The lost art of direct confrontation" in which he criticizes the British who have become "a cowardly lot" due to their reliance on technology. More and more, people are using technology instead of face to face confrontation even Phil Collins who dumped his wife by fax in 1994. Bosses fire employees over email, boyfriends and girlfriends dump their significant other over text and if something makes us mad we write a mean comment on that person's Facebook wall. Delaney begs the British to "Just get up, walk across the room, and have it out with the person using the mouth, tongue, and larynx God gave you!"

I agree with Delaney that people are relying much too heavily on technology for communication, not just the British but everywhere around the world. Confrontation can be awkward and uncomfortable in person and technology gives the person a wall to stand behind saying the things they need to say without seeing the other person's expression. Direct confrontation could even lead to blow up arguments or even fights, and arguments over text and email are a lot less uncomfortable than in person. For one, it gives the person time to think of the perfect come back and take time in what they will say next. It also takes away seeing the other person's expression which can also be uncomfortable. In effect technology gives people courage much in the same way alcohol gives them "liquid courage". People say things they normally wouldn't over technology outlets because the consequences are not immediate.

This reliance on technology for confrontation is not good. People should fend themselves off of technology and learn how to communicate again though it is easy to use technology for a majority of communication. Teenagers today text a lot more than they talk on the phone or sometimes even in person. Confrontation needs to be practiced in person because it shows that the person has enough respect for the other by saying it to their face. Awkward and uncomfortable moments cannot always be avoided and if everyone keeps hiding behind technology they will have no idea how to react when the moment comes. 

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