In the past 2 years, there have been questions and rumors about the President of the United States. Many seem to think he is not a naturally born citizen, which is one of the requirements for the office of president. According to BBC News, potential Republican candidate Donald Trump is one of the main antagonists in ordering President Obama to cough up his birth certificate. The President had previously refused to give his birth certificate for unclear reasons but on Wednesday it was finally released. In response to this Trump said, "I am very proud of myself." President Obama told the press he is over this nonsense and now hopes the nation will focus on more important matters of his presidency.
I had heard rumors during Obama's campaign that some did not trust him because he is Muslim and his middle name is Hussein and also that he was not born in the U.S. It is a little suspicious to me that Obama did not turn over his birth certificate until now but if he was not born in the United States I feel he would not have been able to hide it for this long. On the other hand, Donald Trump, the guy who yells, "YOU'RE FIRED!!!", is leading this crusade on the President. To me, this seems more like a political strategy to slander the President's reputation and good name rather than to uncover the truth for the good of the American people. If Trump could prove that Obama was not born in the United States it would ensure that he would not be reelected and Trump could have higher chances of winning the presidency. Though Trump is a business man, he is already mastering the conniving, sneaky ways of a politician. In the game of politics there is no way to tell who is being honest and who is not so hopefully time will tell.
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